Wednesday 7 October 2015


kenape kite so hard so difficult to faham dengan hati kite sendiri? kenape susah sangat, untuk faham ape yang hati kite ni nak sebenarnye? why did when someone said that "i like u, i really like u, i miss u", sehabis-habisnye hati ini menolak n mendenykan segale ape perasaan terhadap die but, whenever u saw he n that one girl slowly become rapat (erghh slowly sangat! tiba2 rapat!) with him, ur heart tetibe felt like ishkk sakit pulak hati kite.. so the question is... berhak ke kite ni nak fefeeling ssakit mcm tu? kite siape? kenape nak rase sakit? cemburu? why? he is not yours.. adekah hati ini dah terrrrrRECEIVE harapan yang si dia bg? hmmm.. but.. how can we know yang die ikhlas bile die said that i like u, i really really really really really really like you tu? actually, IF I ade BF kan, i dont really mind lah kalau die ade kawan baik perempuan, rapat ngam kamcing, tu hak die, but, haa but itu kalau that girl adelah bestfren die since long time ago, before die kenal aq lagi, the issue is, that suddenly become as bestfren forever n ever tu, IALAH, ADALAH, org yang rapat dgn aq, yg xpernah berkawan dengan die sebelum aq rapat dengan die, aq sorang ke yang rase ini adelah BULLSHIT??! errr... aq laa yg anggap diorg bff, xtaw laa kalau dah start lebih, coz aq dlu pun before die ckp die suke, started just like both of them skrang laa pun.. :) dan yg menjadi masalahnye ialah, kau jenis bile org tanye always jawab OK n dont really know how to say "I'M NOT OK!!!"..
hmmmm.. menyusahkan diri sendiri kan fikir bende mcm nih? so.. should i just do like ELSA? LET IT GO.. LET IT GOOOO..... hahhh ape aq merapu nih? OK bye.. XD

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