Monday 21 December 2015

From deep in my heart to my dear sys..

"Open the door" she said.. well my dear sis, i never shut the door actually, i just didnt open it so widely coz i dont want to let all people see what it is inside that room. but still, i dont even and never lock the door, and i dont even have the key, and the key might be with somebody that is around me, right here, right now. so it is his duty his responsibility, it is up to him to come to me and use the key to lock this room, so that the room could his property, so that the room could be only available for him and stay in that room forever and ever. its not me who shuts who locks the door, the thing is actually i am waiting for him to come to me with the key, so that i could feel the butterflies inside my stomach again and i'm waiting and will always waiting till that one fine day.


Cinta.. apa itu cinta..? Cinta bukan pada wajah, kerana cantik itu pada hati dan harga diri.. bagaimane lahirnye cinta? well, cinta lahir dari satu sudut yg terpencil di dalam hati.. namun bagiku bukan mudah untuk bercinta.. bukan mudah untuk jatuh cinta.. tp walau aku susah untuk jatuh cinta, tidak dinafikan hatiku menjerit menangis dek kesunyian.. ketika hatiku menjerit, lantas aku sedar hatiku terpaut pada seseorang.. ok bye


i'm in a battle.. battle with my own thoughts!! shittt.. mental breakdown.. memmmboonggg..!! sometimes this kind of thoughts, feeling, make me feels like i am a stupidO..!! are you A FOOL dear self..?? haih.. stop it.. stop it.. u know ur ownself.. u r not like that.. u r not a loser.. u r not weak.. u r strong enough, enough to stop to not to never think about something like this right??!!! please sayang please laahhh... stay the way you are.. u r the one that never know how to giv to quit.. u r the one that always try to finish whatever u do whatever that already started.. but.. humm..?? i still cant find the way still cant figure it out yet how to finish this matter.. or should i just express explain telling them all the truth the real problems the stupid thoughts of mine?? what if even when i expresses everything, still nothing could be changed, and still the all the blames is all on me coz i am the one who had all of these stupid thoughts... ohhh memmmboooonnnggg!! WTF!! bye!!

Wednesday 7 October 2015


kenape kite so hard so difficult to faham dengan hati kite sendiri? kenape susah sangat, untuk faham ape yang hati kite ni nak sebenarnye? why did when someone said that "i like u, i really like u, i miss u", sehabis-habisnye hati ini menolak n mendenykan segale ape perasaan terhadap die but, whenever u saw he n that one girl slowly become rapat (erghh slowly sangat! tiba2 rapat!) with him, ur heart tetibe felt like ishkk sakit pulak hati kite.. so the question is... berhak ke kite ni nak fefeeling ssakit mcm tu? kite siape? kenape nak rase sakit? cemburu? why? he is not yours.. adekah hati ini dah terrrrrRECEIVE harapan yang si dia bg? hmmm.. but.. how can we know yang die ikhlas bile die said that i like u, i really really really really really really like you tu? actually, IF I ade BF kan, i dont really mind lah kalau die ade kawan baik perempuan, rapat ngam kamcing, tu hak die, but, haa but itu kalau that girl adelah bestfren die since long time ago, before die kenal aq lagi, the issue is, that suddenly become as bestfren forever n ever tu, IALAH, ADALAH, org yang rapat dgn aq, yg xpernah berkawan dengan die sebelum aq rapat dengan die, aq sorang ke yang rase ini adelah BULLSHIT??! errr... aq laa yg anggap diorg bff, xtaw laa kalau dah start lebih, coz aq dlu pun before die ckp die suke, started just like both of them skrang laa pun.. :) dan yg menjadi masalahnye ialah, kau jenis bile org tanye always jawab OK n dont really know how to say "I'M NOT OK!!!"..
hmmmm.. menyusahkan diri sendiri kan fikir bende mcm nih? so.. should i just do like ELSA? LET IT GO.. LET IT GOOOO..... hahhh ape aq merapu nih? OK bye.. XD

Thursday 2 January 2014



Monday 30 December 2013

My fren my love my everything.. V r true friends..

Ni die diba.. Siti adiba hanifah.. We share everything.. My frens will be her n her frens will be mine too.. Dye yg bnyk buat aq senyum.. Bertahun2 kwn kami xpernah bergaduh wlau skit pun.. Msing2 try to bertolak ansur.. Tolak ansur pling penting dlm ape jnis hbungan pun kan.. Avoid jeles yg penting.. N share the happiness.. Like us.. Love u diba..

Monday 11 February 2013


whoaaaa.... lame dah xsharing mering... dah dekat setahun kowt!!! humm... almost forget bout dis blog.. cepat betul mase berlalu.. semua dah brubah.. sister sister sister aq masing2 dah jumpe pasangan masing2.. tinggal aq sorang je lagi yg 'kesepian' nih.. sepi ke?? haha.. reality ny.. sepi laa jugak.. tp nak bt mcm mane.. maybe.. jodoh aq belum sampai.. hekhek.. xpew.. aq setia menanti.. setia hujung nyawa!! ahakksss... masih demam #setiahujungnyawa lagik nih.. toing! toing! itu saja buat masa ini.. aq nak layan anime jepun.. hoho.. papai...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

jom blajarrr bahasew ganu kitew..... =)

Jom blaja bhasa tranung!!
comel lote
���comel yg amat
ija naung
���..hijau kehijauan
sejuk ketto
��..sejuk yg sgt2
itang lettung
��tersangatlaa hitamnya
punoh jahnang
pughah hangik
��hampeh gile
gugha bewok
��..gurauan yg menyebabkn pgaduhan
air geh tujuh yu-pi cak katung jogek-jogek
air 7UP(kole beghang)
kona lepe
���kona lipat
nakuk paik
��.penakut yg amat
tinggi lonjong
.tinggi sgt
tinggi nyayuk
��sama cm diatas
masing pekkok
..teramat masin!
sekak netting
..singkat sgt (kain)
nipih nayyang
..sgt nipis
����..degil (taktau nak eja camane)
jabir/supek/plastik ghok-ghek
���.plastic bag je padahal
����.muntahkan semula
����tak larat
kepeh blepeng
..kempis sgt
lapo perut
ngatuk mate
��.Ngantuk laaa
rokok cap unta nabai.. rokok camel koleberang
bodo dooh lalu
��..bodo lebih2
koghok keghing nggoh
.tengkorak yg sudah kering (cm mengata/mengumpat)
kelecak baghak
kerek tlage
��konkrit mengepung telaga
takdok aghoh
���habis ikhtiar
penuh poppok/rumbu
��.penuh sampai melimpah
���..kerak (goreng pisang etc)
penuh nembok
��penuh sampai melimpah
gemuk debbok
��gemuk sgt
kuruh kering
..sgt kurus
botok licing
��.botak licin (rambut)
beso jereguk
����.jln terhincut2
suke glekek
��.ketawe menggelekek
ketor geggor
��terketar-ketar smp bergegar..hehe
manih leting
��sgt manis
dulli mung
���tak ambik peduli
musing ketang caghi-cari merata-rata
���.sgt letih
bapok gong
��..sgt besar
srupe tule/supetula
��.serupe je
beghak nanang
��.sgt berat
ringang lepung
..sgt ringan
ketik nnyamuk
��digigit nyamuk
makang kkucing
..dimakan kucing
kattok wong
��..katak (siap ade bunyi tuu)
dok tahu starang
..tak tahu pun
busuk kohong
.busuk gile
org yg sombong
soheh dok munggg??
ko ni biar betul!!
��lbh kurang serabut jgk
membo nga bang
��tak tahu nak explain
ape ke jadah
�� apa hal
apah nyor
�� hampas kelapa
anguh letong
�� sangat hangus
bata golek
.. boaster/bantal pelok
.. sejenis kuih yg diperbuat drpd sagu
��. sejenis kuih yg diperbuat drpd beras pulut
boloq woq
�� serabut
��. pukul kan!
�� malah
��. cubit-cubitan
��.menyakitkan hati
��. tak sempat
��. gile dooo
ikang aye
�� ikan tongkol
ikang kerah ekor
�� ikan cencaru
��. malu kot!
tunggu stor
��. tunggu sekejap
��. selalu bwk awek kot?
.. tilam
��. beranda/balkoni
meroh merang
��..merah sangat
memang dok arr
��. memang tak ar!
musing ligak
��� berpusing2
musing ketang
���. berpusing2
��. meroyan
nyakit nyamang
��� tidak bersangkutpaut
��.. mengada-ngada
��..gula melaka
.. sedikit
�� masjid
sekut merri
��biskut merrie
eh �� kenyang sangat
��. drawer
tawor hebbe
��. tawar gile
tawor lembo
senyak tupih
..senyap sunyi
tinggi sayuk
.sgt2 tinggi
beso jalo
..sudah besar(org)
kecek tuekk
..kecil sgt2
pucak kesi
bising bango
..bising sgt
uduh sepang ko
ong��.hodoh sgt2
tupul glebek
..tumpul(cam pisau ke)
patoh riok
pendek kettok
..pendek ah
gelak kattok
��gelap gelita
kuning siyor
buruk leppok
toho leppeh
..air yg cetek
tubek kembong
��. buasir
.. bahulu
panah ketik
��.. panas yang teramat
paik nepang
..pahit yg amat2
kuba balo
.kerbau yg ada wana perang2
nebeng ngoh
��ter over
pekat likat
��pekat ah
wak mmunoh
�� khianat
ngate riti
��. bersepah
��..cthnya hujan semalam.
srabut arut
��serabut sgt
khetok khiyok
��. kertas kalu kena gupal
glebek nyeng
���benda yg dah rosak
ssetok kkarung
..kejang macam kaki krem tu
p/s: selamat mencubew.. :P

nim campur2 drpdew bnyak kampung..!!

Sunday 6 November 2011

my bezfwensz zman skulaa...!!! rndu korang smue...!!!!!!

aq wif auni..
rushdaaa n me..
owanggg semmmakkkkk.. hahaha.. "babad"
nim "adeq" aq.. yana cex..
bilew buhsenk study d hri ambang spm..!!
aq wif rosda n ouni..
kami b'4 pantang jumpew cermin kowt.. haha..
aq n etod.. budax pipi tembam..!! =)
aq n aini.. jgn tertukar.. td tu auni.. :D
ema.. auni.. aini..
org ckap kami mcm kembar.. mukew same kte ny..
tol kew..??? =)
aq wif yana n neja.. macing2 mukew hottt lepas tanding kawad..
aq wif maisarah.. comey kn ank kami..?? hihi.. =D
bdax ngan aq nim.. nme ny issac orange.. skew sgt wrne orange..
miraaa n issac.. during kem perdana..
kami due2 ema.. tp dyew ema muyyah..!!
comey kan c berkacew mate.. mak cik atika nim.. rndu tolll..
ema wat gayew moto MB..(maisarah bidin)
kami achieqma n cuena..(glaran ntuk ank2 sdarew je yew) :)
bulat..!! yana bulat..!!
tika n yana
nim ida wif ema muyyah
haaak..!! nie laa MB kitew... lamew x jmpew.. rndu3..
kami memg x puas bergambar..
haha.. ntah apew yg auni nk ckap.. snap cri2.. hihik..
nim laa umi sayew kt uitm skunk.. ida..
xckup stu klas time skulll.. stu uitm lg.. haha.. umi da bez 4 eva..!!
hah.. nim laa org paling ceria dri dlu smpai skunk.. nme ny.. enot.. (syikin)
nim clah.. skew sgt maen camera..
3 kwan baek dri skula ss.. msuk teknik eport.. n msuk uitm.. kekal smpai skunk..
daa knal kan..?? haha..
budax diam2 berisi nim.. haha..
kt tgh2 tu nme dyew farahin.. yg nim pomn aq rndu..
2 org lg xyah gtaw rr nme kn..?? hihi..
bilew leyh jmpew dax nim lg ek??? :D
snap yana snap!!
sorg lg.. snap..snap..snap..!!
smile opmo..=)
rndu yana.. daa pegi spa pomn dyew..
(sayew sukew gmbar nim.. knp?? sukew aty laa..!!) =D
nim sep riang sumew..!!
aq rinduw sumew kengkawan...!!!

the start of sumthing new...!!!

i'm a gud gurlz...^_^..